Woman in cycling gear with flowers and certificate.

Judy reaches 500 Breeze-led rides

Celebrating more than 500 rides led by Bingley Belle Judy Robinson.

Our ride leader and committee member Judy Robinson thought she going for a normal cafe stop on her usual Monday morning Breeze ride.

But waiting for her with flowers and a certificate was Charlotte McCormack from British Cycling.

It’s to celebrate Judy reaching the magnificent milestone of leading more than 500 rides for women as a Breeze Champion.

Judy said: “It’s those who have supported my rides over the past 10 years who deserve the accolades.

“They are the ones who have kept me going through rain, wind, pandemics and sunshine, encouraging me to go out when I haven’t always felt like it and brought so much joy into my life.

“Thank you.”

British Cycling recently made this video featuring Judy and her Monday morning Breeze group.

Charlotte said: “It was a great pleasure to present Judy with her certificate for leading 500 HSBC UK Breeze rides.

“Thank you for being so inspiring and encouraging so many women to enjoy riding a bike.”

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